Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Going Back Under The Rug

Healing does not occur overnight (though many of us would prefer it that way, right?).  Instead, it is a process that takes place IN you over time.  God is careful to take His time with us that we may not miss the message in the mess.  You might not realize what a blessing it is to be healthy until you have been sick....and that is applicable to both our physical and our spiritual.  Well...  How long does it take?  When will mine begin?  What will be my disposition post-healing?  These are questions ringing in our heads...no one knows but God.  However, the one area He leaves to your control is when it will begin.  At the moment you recognize your need for healing and invite God into your situation, He will begin His work of healing IN you.  So now that you've realized that you need to be and WANT to be healed, then what?  You have to go back to the rug, and deal with what's underneath it.  A lot of us, perhaps, have been trained to see the dirt and as an effort to not have anyone else see it or hide it from our own view, to just sweep it away....under the rug.  Well TODAY, God is calling you back under the rug.  You will have to go back with much prayer.  Ask God to help you raise the rug and deal with the dirty past without the shame and guilt it brought.  We try to get as far away from our dirtiness as possible....and this is good.  But at some point, the dirt has to be dealt with in order to be truly clean.  I know it's not the easiest thing to do.  Going back is painful.  It may make you sick, literally.  Healing is like the "nasty medicine" you were made to take as a kid.  Who remembers cod liver oil?  Jesus!  I would have rather suffered in my sickness another couple of weeks than take that!  You didn't feel good, and it most definitely didn't taste good.  BUT guess what....it MADE YOU BETTER.   

QUESTIONHow far removed must you be, and then again how close should you be as to not be so far removed?   
ANSWERFar enough to not get caught up again in those same situations, yet close enough to be healed from them and to help others in their healing from like situations. 

Remember....we don't go through for us alone.  There are souls attached to our testimonies, and God WILL get the Glory.  When realness hits you from the testimony of your own mouth or from another's, don't judge, but embrace that person or yourself in love.  Release past hurts, shame, condemnation, unworthiness, etc....none of these has God called us to walk in.  We may go through periods of them, but we're coming out with a testimony, a greater love for Christ and His people, and most importantly...with a revelation of who God is and what He can do.

Your healing....receive it in the name of Jesus.  Go back under the rug.  Don't merely raise it to peek at the dirt.  Snatch off that false sense of "I'm over it", "I forgive them", "I forgive myself", "That never happened" that is disguising itself as a rug......face the dirt, and give it to God.  It really never did leave you before anyway.  It was there all the time hidden under the rug.  I don't know what your dirt is.  Some woman may be struggling with forgiving the man who hurt her, or the man who can't get past the woman hurting him.  Maybe you've hurt someone and can't forgive yourself.  Somebody may be struggling with an addiction that you can't seem to shake.  Or is it you, woman, looking to find acceptance and love in any man who will look your way...because daddy never showed you this.  Perhaps you're reading this and you knew too much about life too soon, either because someone took the innocence or you gave it away.  Someone may be dealing with forgiving the father who was not there, or the mother who was not there.  Or maybe neither parent was there and you want to blame them for things you have had to endure.  Let's pause here:  Nothing catches God by surprise, and every intricate detail of your life was etched out in heaven before you ever became a being on Earth.  So, what you dealt with, what you're dealing with, and what you will deal with is all a part of God's perfect plan to mold you into who He has called you to be.  It was all purposeful.  Yea, it made you cry....it may still make you cry sometimes, but trust that God has your back and that it is all for your good.  Whatever it is...YOU HAVE TO LET IT GO!!!  You will not heal properly until you do so.  It doesn't matter what happened.  It doesn't matter how long ago it was or how recent it has been.  It doesn't matter the frequency of the situation.  Nor does it matter who did it to you, or who you did it to.  God is more concerned with you being healed and free than with any of that.  Leave those things to Him....He is way more qualified to deal with it.  You focus on receiving what God has for you.  Now that you are ready to deal with it and be healed and truly cleaned, go enjoy a new freedom and real peace.  You will say to yourself:  "Wow!  Is this what true freedom and peace feels like?  Am I what it looks like?  Is this what it sounds like?"  Your life will change as well as those around you.  When people ask what's up this this new you, tell them "I WENT BACK UNDER THE RUG"...

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