Tuesday, January 20, 2015

My Biggest Fear

I know that this post's title suggests a possessive form of my owning "fear", which of course is in contradiction to who/what I am to represent as a child of God.  Right?  I mean, Christians don't fear, do we?  All we have is FAITH!  And NEVER, ever ever ever is an ounce of fear going to be found in us.  Not in our lives, not in our thoughts, not in our words.  Ever!

Now that I've gotten that lie out of the way, let me come back with some truth.  YOU WILL FACE FEAR as a man, a woman, a person walking this Earth....and yes, even as a Christian.  What stands out most clearly to me as my biggest fear is not properly discerning the direction/will of God for my life and being led astray by the wrong voice(s).  It is very important that we position ourselves in God so that we can be led by the Holy Spirit in our life's "doings", and it is equally important that we remain in a position to continuously commune with God and get daily, play by play direction.

Notice I didn't say that fear will have you or that fear will own or overpower you, I'm simply speaking a truth that there will be times in your life where you will come face to face with fear.  Now, how you handle this face off determines if you are walking IN fear or walking OVER it.  What is your fear?  Whether it be the fear of failure or disappointment, the fear of losing out on love, losing a loved one, standing up for what you believe to be true, not being able to survive in this world, fear of not enough, fear of too much, fear of not being accepted, taking on a task you've been assigned, fear of what the people will say, etc....whatever it is, you have a choice to make.  Do you crumble under the pressure of what you faced?  Or do you speak the Word of God back to it?  Consistency wins, always!  If you continue to do a thing, it will eventually become a habit.  Every time you are faced with a fear, which is a lie, from the father of lies....Satan himself, speak the truth back to it because God didn't give you (us) the spirit of fear.  Shine God's light on Satan's darkness and walk OVER that fear

Nothing I've stated here is meant to diminish the power of God operating in our lives.  The Word tells us that "perfect love casts out fear" (1 John 4:18).  And who is the source of that perfect love?  Our perfect God!  What is fear?  It is a crippling, paralyzing, growth stunting, faith killing monster that is sent to keep you from what God has for you.  Do you accept that?  Surely not!  Get up, and fight back!  Many weapons have you been given....the strongest being the weapon of your faith that must come forth from your tongue.

My biggest fear.....crumbling and falling apart when not fully utilizing the gift of faith I've been given to walk over the fear that I will face.
#Word #BeFabulouslyBlessed :)

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
(2 Timothy 1:7)

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
(1 John 4:18)

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